Tooth Fairy Painting
There She Goes



bird brain and monkey rats

Survivor Painting


Red Hiding Hood painting







Now for sale:
Click on title or
images to view larger.

Angel of Mercy- size 3 x 7 ft.
Benny and the Bat Ladies- 58" x 48"
Bird Brain and Monkey Rats- 30" x 48"
Cat on the Patio
- size 3 x 6 ft
Chicken Stock- size 5 x 7 ft.
Crocodile Purse - size 4 x 6 ft
Crows Feet Canyon - size 3 x 7 ft.
Garden of Wonder- size 4 x 6 ft.
Horace - cutout 3 x 5 ft approx.
Kitten - size 3 x 5 ft.
Mountain Spring - size 3 x 5 ft.
Off the Hook - size 4 x 4 ft.
On the Hill - size 3 x 6 ft.
On the Wings of Tomorrow - 4 x 6 ft.
Pending Doom- size 5 x 7 ft.
Prowlers in Paradise- size 4 x 6 ft.
Red Hiding Hood - 3 x 5 ft.
Survivor - cutout 2 x 4 ft approx.
There She Goes- size 4 x 4 ft.
Tooth Fairy - size 4 x 4 ft.
Tree Socks- size 3 x 7 ft.

© Copyright 2015. No part of this website, or artwork, may be copied, used or reproduced in any form without express written consent of Suzanne Egan (AKA Suzanne Egan-Dole ).

prowers in paradise Painting

Garden of Wonder Painting


On the Wings of Tomorrow Painting

off the hook

Chicken Stock detail

Benny and the Bat Ladies

Cat On the Patio Painting

Crow's Feet Canyon Painting

Tree Socks

On The Hill Painting

Angel of Mercy

Pending Doom Painting

Crocodile Purse Pinting