22 Paintings Now for sale:
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to view larger and more info.
Angel of Mercy- size 3 x 5 ft.
Benny and the Bat Ladies- 58" x 48"
Bird Brain and Monkey Rats- 30" x 48"
Cat on the Patio - size 3 x 6 ft
Chicken Stock- size 5 x 7 ft.
Crocodile Purse - size 4 x 6 ft
Crows Feet Canyon - size 3 x 7 ft.
Garden of Wonder- size 4 x 6 ft.
Horace - cutout 3 x 5 ft approx.
Kitten - size 3 x 5 ft.
Madam Sunshine - size 3 x 5 ft.
Mountain Spring - size 3 x 5 ft.
Off the Hook - size 4 x 4 ft.
On the Hill - size 3 x 6 ft.
On the Wings of Tomorrow - 4 x 6 ft.
Pending Doom- size 5 x 7 ft.
Prowlers in Paradise- size 4 x 6 ft.
Red Hiding Hood - 3 x 5 ft.
Survivor - cutout 2 x 4 ft approx.
There She Goes- size 4 x 4 ft.
Tooth Fairy - size 4 x 4 ft.
Tree Socks- size 3 x 7 ft.
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